Thursday 5 October 2017

Review of Takara Tomy Cross Fight B-Daman CB-23 - SUPER CUSTOM SET Power & Rapid-Fire

Presenting something completely different from what we have done so far. I was going through a toy sale and saw this. It looked interesting so I picked it up to try it out. After bringing it home, my son told me that it is part of a cartoon on tv. Well thanks for making me feel old, son haha.

A small size box with a lot of images on and the mostly Japanese written on the box does not help at all in deciphering what is inside the box but that is my fault for not knowing Japanese.

All items are very nicely packed and the kit comes with 3 marbles for instant fight gratification haha.

The body piece with the plunger at the back.

The head is pretty much a single piece with a slot at the back to insert the marble.

That is the red "fighter" all ready to rock and roll. The marble slots in from the back of the head which right now is covered with a piece but that can be easily removed when its time to play.

The blue fighter is all ready. This one is the rapid fire type which can be seen is different from the red one which is the power type. The power type does not come with the grip.

The "magazines" for rapid fire. Basically slot the marbles into the mags for rapid fire support. The hole in the centre of the mags is where the mags have to be fixed which feeds into the figure.

Thats how it looks like after fixing the mags and the loading thing onto back of the head. Ready for rapid fire.

Both figures next to each other. I did not paste the stickers on them. I will leave that to my kids.

The figures are simple but feel firm and plunger mechanism is not flimsy so it should stand up to some punishment.

Its ready for battle now. Slot in a marble and fire off with the plunger. Who shall win? Maybe its time for you to find out