Presenting a long over due review of the Daban MG Hi Nu Fighter. Earlier I had done a review of Nu Fighter, so now its time to go Hi hehe. Yeah yeah, its lame. I know.
With that, that is the review of the kit. The snap fit is very good mostly but a major problem was fitting the chest piece with the backpack. Once the kit fixes on the stand, the parts just separate and fall away. Not sure what I am doing wrong. But thats a big downer for a kit.
The box art is pretty standard as expected from Daban. The box is on the larger side compared to other MG kits but this kit is a bigger one as well so that does make sense.
The chest piece is a nice nifty piece of work. Very nicely done except that the LED was missing in the kit which generally Daban includes. So maybe a packer forgot?
The head clipped on as well.
The arms with nice detailing on them so I am looking forward to having all these little pieces working out like an Iron man suit.
The arms and shoulder fixed. Again, the plastic is good quality and everything snaps in together.
The legs are very nicely done. Lots of detailing to see and work through. I am more impressed with the legs compared to the arms.
The waist portion and the legs snapped on. Looking impressive so far.
Everything coming together. Now I am even more impressed.
The backpack and the fuel tanks snapped on. Very detailed and nicely done together.
But standing free just like that, it looks very impressive.