Saturday, 20 May 2017

Review of LELE 30006 Palace Cinema

Presenting my first "building" type kit, the LELE 30006 Palace Cinema with 2404 Pcs. It also very nicely lets you know the dimensions off the finished thing on the box so that's good.

Lets start with the box and the manual

Nice quality box and good box art. The manual for a change does not look cheap . And I also realize has a problem with some of the colours shown for the parts. Took a while but I managed to figure it out. Another point of caution, like all kit makers, I had separated the blocks to find them easier later and also to check for any missing parts. I "found" two parts short which I ordered and then realised it was actually just one part short so take your time in sorting out the pieces and counting them.

Having said that, lets dive in

The detailing for the level 1 is very very impressive. The build quality is pretty good but some place, the gaps between the bricks is quite obvious. However from a distance, it looks fine. On to level 2 now.

And again, the detailing for level is good as well though much simpler. The good thing is that the levels can be separated easily for viewing without having to pull the parts apart. On to the rooftop.

Sorry for the delay. I was busy with personal issues so let's start again.

Nice detailing for the roof. Though some of the "tiles" are under stress from being fixed together. So some parts, I think the fit is too tight.

Now for the only major complaint so far. If you look closely at the sign for Palace, you will realize that I had to use some scotch tape to hold the pieces together. The long strips had some warping so that pieces were not holding together. Doesn't look that great from up close really.

Nice touch with the car and the flood lights. All in all, decent kit. Nice fit and no pieces missing so that is always great. Except for the Palace sign, nothing to complain about.

Next kit, I will be working on will a Technics kit.. Thanks for visiting.

Review of DECOOL 3342 Vanguard Offroader Jeep

Hi everyone,

It has been a while since my last post. Been busy with work, kids, studies etc. But anyway back with a very short project which looks ideal to start off young kids in this hobby. It is the DECOOL 3342. Its a small size kit with less than 150 pieces. So lets start off with the box

The box is not huge, nice box art and but the packets inside had burst so be careful while handling the box. Luckily no parts were missing

The one thing I immediately understood was that the colours in the manual sucked. Was very difficult matching them with the parts and took a while for me to get sorted out. The build was very quick and surprisingly, no issues at all. Some parts had a very tight fit but manageable.

The tyres which usually are quite lousy were very impressive. Apart from the issue with the manual and the burst parts packet, all was fine.

Wednesday, 3 May 2017

Review of Pintoo K1002 Nan Jun - Slow Down Flowerpot (80 Pieces)

Doing a review on something very different. I saw this in a store and picked it up to try it out. Its a 3D puzzle which makes itself into.....a flowerpot. Yep, that's right. Who wouldn't be interested in trying that out?

The box is nicely packed and the instructions though basic are clear and to the point. Two bags, one for the pieces and the other for the plastic cases to hold the flower or pens if you decide to go that way.

Yep, that's how you start making it. The fit was nice and tight. The plastic material looks good quality and has a nice polish to it.

A quick build which looks nice and can be put to good use around the house or the office. That's one smart way to redecorate your table.